On February 3, 2021, EG Group (“EG” or “the Company”), announced that it had agreed to acquire certain assets of Asda (the “Asda Forecourt Business” or “Transaction”).
On June 16, 2021, both the ongoing restrictions imposed under UK Competition Law and the subsequent Competition and Markets Authority “Hold Separate Order” on the acquisition of Asda by TDR Capital and the Issa brothers were lifted.
This allowed Asda and EG Group’s teams to start sharing commercial information relating to EG’s acquisition of the Asda Forecourt Business which had not been previously possible and has resulted in several changes to the financial evaluation of the proposed Transaction. As a result, EG and Asda have decided they will no longer proceed with the Transaction, and it was terminated as of October 18, 2021.
Key commercial initiatives between EG and Asda are already well underway including the development of plans to introduce Foodservice at Asda locations and the expansion of Asda’s convenience offering, where both companies have confirmed their intention to roll-out the Asda On the Move proposition across EG’s UK forecourts.
These plans remain unchanged, and the Company continues to anticipate synergies as a result of its growing relationship with Asda.
EG Group will now be commencing the process to redeem the £675m in aggregate principal amount of 6.25% Senior Secured Notes due 2026 issued on March 12, 2021 and unwind the related escrow arrangement.